Many people think of hearing loss as a simple consequence of aging but did you know that about 5 of every 1,000 children have some form of hearing impairment? If you or a loved one is having difficulty hearing, don’t let myths and misconceptions keep you from getting hearing care. Nearly all hearing loss is treatable, and we can help. Get the facts here, and call us to start living better by hearing better today.


Myth: “If I had a hearing problem, I’d know about it.”

Not always. Hearing loss often develops unnoticeably over several years. Most people compensate for the very gradual changes by asking others to repeat themselves, tum the TV up louder, and possibly by reading lips. Allowed to continue, these habits make you believe there is no problem or that it has gone away.

Myth: “A hearing loss just means sounds need to be louder.”

Not really. In most cases, you can hear people talking but have difficulty understanding what they’re saying. Perhaps you understand just fine in quiet environments but have trouble in noisy surroundings or in groups. Making all sounds louder just makes understanding harder — it’s why hearing aids are designed to amplify the specific frequencies you need for better understanding.

Myth: “My type of hearing loss cannot be helped.”

In virtually all cases, nerve deafness can be helped through amplification. Other types of impairment may be medically treatable. Under any circumstance, regular examinations and hearing tests will provide a certain answer. Some people discover their problem is just too much earwax!

Myth: “Hearing aids will restore my hearing to normal.”

Just as their name suggests, these devices can only aid your hearing, whatever its condition. They can’t restore hearing nor retard the progression of nerve deafness.

Myth: “My hearing problem isn’t bad enough to need two aids.”

Like our vision, our hearing mechanism relies on input from both ears, or Binaural Hearing to locate sound sources and focus on specific sounds and conversations. Studies show that those who wear two aids understand more clearly and enjoy better sound quality.

Myth: “The fancy new digital hearing aids can automatically eliminate unwanted background noise.

No instruments, no matter how sophisticated, can do what only the human brain does: selectively cancel out noise that you perceive as undesirable. Better understanding with amplification in noisy environments will vary due to the type and degree of hearing loss, accuracy of the instrument fitting, and most importantly, your ability and patience as you relearn to hear with amplified sound.

Myth: “Hearing aids are too expensive.”

Cost is relative to the perceived value you get from your hearing aids. The most important “investment” is your attitude and willingness to adapt to a new world of sound. For many, the improved quality of life and relationships make it one of excellent investments they’ve made. Visit out Financing Options page for more information.

Myth: “I’m too old to benefit from hearing aids.”

Chances are, no matter what your age, you rely on your hearing to maintain connection with the world and communicate with those close to you. How would it make others feel if you’re not willing to try improving this vital activity?

Myth: “Wearing a hearing aid is a sign of old age.”

Actually, your hearing loss is probably more noticeable. Always saying “What?”, turning the TV up, or avoiding phone conversations and social gatherings is more apparent than having small, possibly invisible devices in your ears. Left unresolved, your problem could seriously affect the quality of relationships and friendships